I first spoke with the staff member who Diallo allegedly assaulted by the name of Antonio Anton Young (B/M DOB: 10/02/1982). Antonio is a staff member of Boys Town and is entrusted as a caregiver for the facility at the time of the incident. Antonio verbally stated the following: At about 2330 hours, he and another staff member were attempting to put all the juveniles in the facility to bed. Diallo was not following directions given by the staff members as he continued to walk around and not going to his bedroom. A verbal argument took place between him and Diallo that became physical. …show more content…
After speaking with Antonio, I attempted to speak with Diallo, who was taken to a separate office with other Boys Town staff members. At first Diallo was very uncooperative with my investigation. Diallo mumbled a lot of his answers and attempted to ignore the situation. I asked Diallo, who threw the first punch. Diallo stated that Antonio hit him first and that initiated the entire