Cultural Competency Paper CHI Saint Francis Medical Center is a general medical and surgical hospital in Grand Island, NE, with 190 beds. Saint Francis Medical Center, was established in 1887 and is located in Grand Island, Neb. Saint Francis provides a wide range of medical and clinical services. It provides multiple clinical services, such as cardiology, imaging, intensive and critical care, nutrition and dietary plans, pediatric, and surgical services. Some of its other services include electrocardiogram, echocardiology, cardiopulmonary, intravascular ultrasound, cancer treatment and respiratory care.…
407 1. An important step for the organization when establishing a plan to provide the staff with cultural competence training is determining what is the staff current cultural competence level through assessment and which will also determine what all should be covered in the training. The organization should also learn about the cultures of the communities. The healthcare organization must develop a plan that focus on the populations being serve and explain that different behaviors, thoughts, actions, and treatment practices are practiced in different cultures. It's also important that the plan is relevant to the mission and goal of the organization.…
The Joint Commission ensure that an organization is culturally competent by developing cultural competence standards that organizations are required to meet. Health care organizations must implement these standards in their policies, procedures, and/or plans in order to receive accreditation by The Joint Commission. The cultural competence standards ensure that health care organizations are providing strategies to meet the health care needs of diverse populations. The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) is an accrediting body for public health institutions and programs. Currently, CEPH does not have specific standards related to cultural competence.…
Cultural competence, a Practice in the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), is a complex concept that informs all aspects of the operation of an early childhood setting It is a set of behaviours, attitudes and policies that professionals must have to enable them to work effectively in cross / multi – cultural settings. It pervades all relationships and programs encompassed by the NQS. This means that as educators, we need to think about our values, beliefs and attitudes related to diversity and difference to take a strong approach to countering racism and bias. Cultural Competence includes: being aware of your own culture and world views and how they influence your practice ƒ respecting and valuing different ways of knowing, seeing…
Florida SouthWestern State College has established five general education competencies to help their students thrive in their academic courses. These general competencies are Communications (COM), Critical Thinking (CT), Technology/Information Management (TIM), Global-sociocultural responsibility (GSR) and Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (QR). The two competencies I believe will have the most significant impact on both my education and future are global socio-cultural responsibility and scientific and quantitative reasoning. In today’s world, society is expanding rapidly.…
Cultural competency is vital to the role of nurses within the United States due to the fact that there are so many cultures and populations represented within our country. This is a wonderful thing, but having so many different people in one place can cause problems. Cultures differ greatly from one another in many different ways, including the way that healthcare is approached. In order to provide transcultural nursing care, there are three modes of decisions and actions that can guide each encounter to promote health. These methods include cultural care preservation or maintenance, accommodation or negotiation, and repatterning or restructuring.…
Cultural Competence Self-Assessment This paper will examine how to recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or enhance privilege and power, and how to recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice. By using self-assessment tools such as the Cultural Paradigm Survey and the Project Implicit Attitudes Tests (IATs) the author identified the strengths that she wish to enhance, and the improvement opportunities for the weaknesses that she wish to reduce or eliminate. The author is a 44-year-old African American female attending Edinboro University obtaining her master’s degree after completing her bachelor’s degree late in life.…
My background and the cultural competency that I obtained from my interactions with varying populations, will allow me to bring a diverse perspective to the NJMS community. During my time at Rutgers, I mentored minority students and students from low-income families for three years. As someone who grew up depending on public assistance, I was able to form meaningful relationships with these students because I understood first hand some of the challenges they faced. These experiences have taught me how to recognize an individual’s unexpressed needs and has strengthened my ability to communicate with people from different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. When looking towards the future, such skills will enable me to effectively address…
Although cultural safety and cultural competence are similar in nature, they are not the same. Cultural competence stems from our understanding of different cultures and how they should be treated, while cultural safety goes beyond this scope to include in-depth reflection, practical application and education, and policy transformation in terms of equality of care and access to care, etc. “Cultural safety helps us to understand the limitations of cultural competence…[It] is predicted on understanding power differentials inherent in health service delivery and redressing these inequities through educational processes (Hart-Wasekeesikaw & Gregory, 2009). You cannot be culturally safe without being culturally competent. Cultural safety stems from…
As a person who grew up in Mexico, and moved to the United States 6 years ago, I believe my cultural competence has allowed me to develop personal characteristics that will enable me to understand patients from any culture. I appreciate and respect the multiple dimensions of diversity, recognize and embrace perspectives that are different that mine, and have learned to implement these in my daily life. My experience volunteering at a free clinic has allowed me to interact with patients from different underserved communities, but also with other volunteers and medical students from cultures different than mine. From this experience, I have been able to demonstrate I have the attributes to be part of a diverse group. I have developed competencies…
A Non-Traditional Form of Learning How are students affected by cultural experiences offered through Anderson University? One major thing that students gain from immersing themselves in another culture is the ability to apply practical life applications. Perhaps a student has been studying a foreign language and through a Tri-S trip he can practice speaking with other people. For that student, his world opens in a completely new and exciting way. Or another student has a heart for trafficked people and BOUND provides a way for her to reach those in need.…
The self-evaluation artifact for the cultural competence project provides a schematic diagram for analyzing my strengths, challenges & growth opportunities to become more culturally competent in regards to providing pharmaceutical care. A series of 3 parts were completed to further my understanding of various cultures and their impact in providing patient-centered care. The first 2 parts entailed watching a series of provider perspective videos and writing reflections in regard to questions being asked. The third part of this project is the completed self-evaluation artifact sheet that represents my view and improvements that need to be made moving forward in order to be more culturally competent. This project was assigned by Dr. Christine…
Kami E. Speir HEDX1101 Brownson 14 February 2016 Cultural Reflection Cultural competency among health educators can be defined as “requires that organizations have set values and principles, and demonstrate behaviors, attitudes, policies, and structures that enable them to work effective cross-culturally” (Goode).…
Cultural competency is the ability to have an understanding of different cultures points of views and world knowledge. It is important to realize that although people will strive to have cultural competency, it will always be something we are moving toward, not something we can have completely for all cultures. Furthermore, people must understand how their own culture can change their view of other people and create biases that may not be noticeable without this culturally competent awareness. Being open to and learning about how other people view and experience the world and events in it is essential to cultural competency and a necessary part of working with others (Lee, 2006). As counselors, cultural competency is even more notably essential.…
Reflective Paper on Cultural Competence Introduction To stay in multicultural country like Canada there are different people from different background. Culture also refers to tradition and values of the person, individual culture is influenced by many factors, such as race, gender, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation and life experience, culture competence is very important to maintain therapeutic nurse-client relationship. Canadian nurses association believes that cultural competence is the application of knowledge skills, attitudes or personal attributes required by nurse to maximize respectful relationship with diverse population of Clint and co-workers. The nurse is responsible for responding appropriately to the client’s cultural expectation and needs.…