Lacking Cultural Competency In the book Fresh Fruit Broken Bodies written, by Seth Holmes who has a PHD in anthropology, he writes about Triqui migrants, and how they migrate up and down the west coast of the United States. Risking their lives crossing the borders to work in US, therefore they face various obstacles and, being morbidity situations. The way the migrants are being treated in the hospitals and clinics is unreasonable the healthcare workers both in the US and Mexico lack ' ' cultural competency ' '. In the Inter professional Care Betancourt defines, Cultural competency ‘’as set of behaviors and attitudes and a culture within business or operation of system that respects and takes into account the person’s cultural background,…
CLOSING STATEMENT: Overall, the United States is becoming increasingly culturally diverse and will continue in this direction in the future. People of diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural heritage suffer disproportionately from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and every form of cancer (Sutton, 2000). In order to best serve and meet the needs of all backgrounds, it is crucial that healthcare practitioners be educated in culture diversity. The goal of cultural competence is to create a healthcare system and workforce that are capable of delivering the highest-quality care to every patient, regardless of race, ethnicity, or culture (Betancourt, 2005).…
The Joint Commission ensure that an organization is culturally competent by developing cultural competence standards that organizations are required to meet. Health care organizations must implement these standards in their policies, procedures, and/or plans in order to receive accreditation by The Joint Commission. The cultural competence standards ensure that health care organizations are providing strategies to meet the health care needs of diverse populations. The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) is an accrediting body for public health institutions and programs. Currently, CEPH does not have specific standards related to cultural competence.…
Cultural competence and diversity are very important. According to Parker (2015) it builds understanding of our unique populations and helps us to develop innovative ways to reach out and care for patients. It is with a certain inevitability that the United States and its demographic move towards a more culturally diverse population. It is then imperative for health care to adjust to meet demands of the people. It starts from the top, the leaders and the managers, it moves down to the supervisors, then the rank and file accordingly.…
Florida SouthWestern State College has established five general education competencies to help their students thrive in their academic courses. These general competencies are Communications (COM), Critical Thinking (CT), Technology/Information Management (TIM), Global-sociocultural responsibility (GSR) and Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (QR). The two competencies I believe will have the most significant impact on both my education and future are global socio-cultural responsibility and scientific and quantitative reasoning. In today’s world, society is expanding rapidly.…
Cultural competency is vital to the role of nurses within the United States due to the fact that there are so many cultures and populations represented within our country. This is a wonderful thing, but having so many different people in one place can cause problems. Cultures differ greatly from one another in many different ways, including the way that healthcare is approached. In order to provide transcultural nursing care, there are three modes of decisions and actions that can guide each encounter to promote health. These methods include cultural care preservation or maintenance, accommodation or negotiation, and repatterning or restructuring.…
Cultural Competence Self-Assessment This paper will examine how to recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or enhance privilege and power, and how to recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice. By using self-assessment tools such as the Cultural Paradigm Survey and the Project Implicit Attitudes Tests (IATs) the author identified the strengths that she wish to enhance, and the improvement opportunities for the weaknesses that she wish to reduce or eliminate. The author is a 44-year-old African American female attending Edinboro University obtaining her master’s degree after completing her bachelor’s degree late in life.…
• Role modelling o I will show my respect and understanding for cultural identities by modelling my own cultural competence through demonstrating and practicing cultural competence at all times. When I am practicing cultural competence myself it allows an opportunity for the children to witness and practice recognising, respecting, understanding and including differences within their community. o I will also model cultural competence by providing a community for the children where every person belongs and feels as though they belong. o I will communicate and interact appropriately with people across cultures at all times.…
My background and the cultural competency that I obtained from my interactions with varying populations, will allow me to bring a diverse perspective to the NJMS community. During my time at Rutgers, I mentored minority students and students from low-income families for three years. As someone who grew up depending on public assistance, I was able to form meaningful relationships with these students because I understood first hand some of the challenges they faced. These experiences have taught me how to recognize an individual’s unexpressed needs and has strengthened my ability to communicate with people from different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. When looking towards the future, such skills will enable me to effectively address…
It would be helpful if I educated myself on the same useful facts on different cultures so striking a conversation would not be awkward. In conclusion, healthcare professional can improve on ways to be culturally competent. By taking the Cultural Diversity Self-Assessment (IllinoisCTE, n.d.) tool, I was able to recognize cultural awareness issues that I need improvement on as well as my strengths. I feel that I have a good direction toward achieving my cultural competency goals.…
The self-evaluation artifact for the cultural competence project provides a schematic diagram for analyzing my strengths, challenges & growth opportunities to become more culturally competent in regards to providing pharmaceutical care. A series of 3 parts were completed to further my understanding of various cultures and their impact in providing patient-centered care. The first 2 parts entailed watching a series of provider perspective videos and writing reflections in regard to questions being asked. The third part of this project is the completed self-evaluation artifact sheet that represents my view and improvements that need to be made moving forward in order to be more culturally competent. This project was assigned by Dr. Christine…
Cultural Diversity and Its Influence on Nursing Practice Cultural Diversity is a key component to quality patient centered care. The Nurse needs to be aware of their own cultural attitudes. It is also very import that as nurses we understand the patient’s cultural preferences and needs. Cultural competence is becoming more important because of the increase in cultural diversity in our country. In the United States 13% of our population was not born in this country and another 8-10million are living here without documentation.…
Cultural competency is the ability to have an understanding of different cultures points of views and world knowledge. It is important to realize that although people will strive to have cultural competency, it will always be something we are moving toward, not something we can have completely for all cultures. Furthermore, people must understand how their own culture can change their view of other people and create biases that may not be noticeable without this culturally competent awareness. Being open to and learning about how other people view and experience the world and events in it is essential to cultural competency and a necessary part of working with others (Lee, 2006). As counselors, cultural competency is even more notably essential.…
Arredondo, P., & Tovar-Blank, Z. G. (2014). Multicultural competencies: A dynamic paradigm for the 21st century. In F.T. Leong, L. Comas-Diaz, G.C. Nagayama Hall, V.C. McLoyd, and J.E. Trimble (Eds.) APA Handbook of Multicultural Psychology, Vol. 1: Theory and Research.…
Culture “determines the lens through which all other aspects of life are viewed and experienced and includes an individual’s health beliefs and practices” (Black, 2017, p. 250). I need to be sensitive to the cultural differences of my fellow health care professionals. Culture is influenced by ones family, past experiences, and religious beliefs. We are all different, so I must remain open-minded and increase my knowledge base of other cultures around me. My fellow health care professionals and myself have a common goal, to improve patient outcomes and health.…