Literacy, in my eyes, is the way of sharing ideas, facts, and emotion. Emotional literacy such as poetry has had a big role in what I read today. They can express things in simplicity and make it so vivid at the same time. Any book can have the ability to change a perspective on a certain topic or helps me acknowledge the things around me.
Enjoying to read has never been the issue, but pronouncing certain words that I’m reading has. One of the hardest books I had read in earlier years, “The Three Musketeers” frustrated me. Pronouncing words like D’artagnan, Mueng-sur-Loire, made it harder for me to wanting to finish, but it also made a new challenge. Understanding foreign words and how to correctly say them out loud still is a small issue in my reading and somewhat writing.
Writing has never been something I have enjoyed. If it is …show more content…
They give me the most vivid pictures when reading the descriptions of characters and their feelings. Saying that, it might just be a subconscious want to have something of the same thing. Though, overall, it has been my favorite genre to read since turning twelve. Though enjoying reading romance novel, I understand that there are other types of book that have an equal or better learning principles. All books are important in their own way. Again, facts, emotions, ideas.
Literature has shaped my in my way of expression and personality. It helped me with talking to people and being able to have examples from stories to know what they are going through. Referencing books when not having knowledge on certain topics have helped me throughout life. Books like “Milk and Honey” by Rupi Kaur have shaped my way of thought, helping me to talk to people who are going through depression or breakups. I’ve created my own poems - though not as good as hers - to express small ideas or pain that I have been going through to get things off my