It made me realize how important literacy is because you can’t have one without the other. One of my favorite books is the Hunger Games. I got to read the book for pleasure and then write about it in my English class. We wrote an essay about the book’s totalitarian society. This was certainly new for me because I had never read anything about this kind of society before, so I struggled to come up with a plausible topic. This book made me realize that literacy is never ending and can go in virtually all directions. After reading the second and third books in that series, I could have written a much more knowledgeable essay because my literacy was greater. Literacy is also significant to me in my everyday life. What many of us do not realize is that most everything we do relates back to literacy. Think about music, you can have words but you also have to be literate in music notes to create music. Music literacy is very similar to reading literacy. Another everyday real life form of literacy is movies and TV. Though it may not seem like it, you have to have a script to create a TV show or movie. That became significant to me when I was in One Act Play. It made me realize that literacy is everywhere and a necessity for our daily
It made me realize how important literacy is because you can’t have one without the other. One of my favorite books is the Hunger Games. I got to read the book for pleasure and then write about it in my English class. We wrote an essay about the book’s totalitarian society. This was certainly new for me because I had never read anything about this kind of society before, so I struggled to come up with a plausible topic. This book made me realize that literacy is never ending and can go in virtually all directions. After reading the second and third books in that series, I could have written a much more knowledgeable essay because my literacy was greater. Literacy is also significant to me in my everyday life. What many of us do not realize is that most everything we do relates back to literacy. Think about music, you can have words but you also have to be literate in music notes to create music. Music literacy is very similar to reading literacy. Another everyday real life form of literacy is movies and TV. Though it may not seem like it, you have to have a script to create a TV show or movie. That became significant to me when I was in One Act Play. It made me realize that literacy is everywhere and a necessity for our daily