Stereotypes Of A Minority Group Essay

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There have been many cases involving police officers and minority groups. A common minority group that is often targeted by the police is the Blacks. Some police are abusing their power by racially targeting a majority of black victims. The Black community is harassed or harmed by unjustified police officers. This has continually become a topic of controversy because black people are not treated fairly and are targeted more compared to other ethnicities. Police are racially profiling people due to the stereotypes of a minority group, the history between minority and dominant groups, and evidence from the media. The first reason is the stereotypes of a minority group, such as the Blacks. People stereotype Blacks as dangerous and assume they will cause trouble. According to “Blacks and the Police,” the police stop black people who go out at night, usually youths. The black people are stopped and searched through by police officers. They are forced to agree to the search or else they will face consequences. There have been times where I encountered people who are racist. They are more likely to discriminate based on one’s skin tone and appearance. People do not want to associate with black people because they are afraid of them causing harm. The Huffington Post states that “34 percent of the unarmed people killed in 2016 were black males, which is quite disproportionate since black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population.” In the case of the police and the Blacks, police are certainly stereotyping black people. They kill unarmed black people assuming that they are harmful. As a result, black people are racially profiled by the police. Some police officers do not think logically and think taking action is the right choice. The second reason is the long history between the minority and the dominant groups. …show more content…
The white people are considered the dominant group, whereas the black people are the minority group. In my lifetime, I have heard in all of my history classes about the unfair treatment of black people. White people are supposedly more superior and higher in class than black people. A New York Times article reveals that “African-Americans are far more likely than whites and other groups to be the victims of use of force by the police, even when racial disparities in crime are taken into account.” This relates to the police and black people because most police officers that impose harm on the black community are white people. Black people do not have equal rights and treatment. No race should ever be discriminated. The third reason is the evidence the media provides. The media is a powerful source because people all over the world can be exposed to the source. In the middle of 2016, I saw two video clips involving a police officer and black victims on Twitter. The clip was extremely painful and disturbing to watch. One of the victims was named Alton Sterling, and the other was named Philando Castile. Both victims had a tragic death in the hands of male police officers. The man who killed Alton Sterling was a white officer. Alton Sterling did not cause any harm to anyone around him and was shot multiple times. CNN reported that Alton Sterling was outside a convenience store selling CDs. The police received a

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