These qualities are what my interviewee possesses. Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan Ed.D. CCC-SLP/L is a young woman who came from a family filled with educators and thought that she wanted to go into Deaf Ed, which was her plan at first entering into Illinois State University (ISU). Howver, before going into Deaf Ed., while at the University, Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan heard about speech-language pathology and thought it sounded interesting. With this interest, the speech-language pathologist decided to switch her major and receive …show more content…
Karen Dudek-Brannan, she also mentions what are her dislikes and likes about being a speech-language pathologist as well as some challenges that she tends to meet. First and foremost one of the things that the speech-language pathologist likes is how broad the scope of practice is for speech-language pathology. If Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan had for some odd reason lost the job in the school or quit, she could be working in a medical setting such as a hospital, nursing facility, home health, etc. Now for the things Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan seems to not like is how some people don’t understand what we, speech-language pathologists, do. The speech-language pathologist also feels that at the school she’s not given the level of respect with her credentials because she has to work around everyone’s schedules and she feels that she is not valued. Leaving aside that the speech-language pathologist thinks that is not valued by her co-workers she knows that people are just doing their …show more content…
Karen Dudek-Brannan see are articulation and language, but voice and fluency is most likely not seen. If Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan receives a patient with fluency, which she has, she consults with other speech-language pathologists’ who’s had more experience with fluency and does research. Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan mentioned how in the school you can’t turn down a client they give you, however if one were to work in their own clinic they may turn down a client and refer them to someone else if they don’t feel competent enough. The speech-language pathologist does her therapy in groups because there are a high number of cases most of the time. Although there are times where the clinician works with her clients alone; it just depends on the needs of the client. Because the speech-language pathologist works in a small group, she has difficulty in collecting data, which is one of her weaknesses. Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan doesn’t collect data every single session. In the IEP the speech- language pathologist reports that she will collect data at least 4 times every year, because that’s when she sends out progress reports, nevertheless she feels that to make an exceptional judgment she collects data more than the amount mentioned on the IEP. The type of activities the speech-language pathologist uses depends on what type of clients she has. The type of framework the clinician likes to use is a teaching framework of “I do it, we do it, you do it.” So in the