Level of Effort: Medium
The South Beach Diet was created to be “practical and uncomplicated.” All of the meals are in a normal size, so you don’t have to worry about taking in too much food. Wendy Mentions “there’s no need to count calories or figure percentages of fats, carbs, and protein”, which is a huge stress reliever.
Vegetarians and vegans: The South Beach Diet is very vegetarian and vegan friendly. According to Wendy, “Protein alternatives to lean meat include beans, legumes, and soy products.” When you Enroll in The South Beach Diet Online, it will give you access to all the vegetarian only recipes and vegetarian only meal plans. The online feature can be very helpful to many individuals. …show more content…
The South Beach Diet web site offers money-saving tips, such as buying food in bulk, shopping at farmers’ markets, using coupons, and preparing simple meals.” This is very beneficial for individuals who are financially unstable but still want to whip their bodies into