Personal Wellness Goals
Intellectual Wellness
S- For intellectual …show more content…
Being physically fit is proven to help live longer and feel better doing it. By being physically fit and eating healthy, you can also help prevent getting some health issues, such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. The benefits of physical fitness in my lifestyle, is that I never used to have it until two years ago. I am extremely happier by being physically active and eating healthy, my overall mood, and confidence are improved. I also feel like I am able to achieve many more things by being physically active. Also by living a physical lifestyle, I feel like I can enjoy more in life, I don’t stay indoors, I actually go out and try new things. Which is also nice as I see more things of this world, whether that be hiking/biking in the …show more content…
2 cheat meals per week (whatever I want to eat), I can choose whichever days to have them.
Fluid intake, drinking 3L of water per day, with and extra 1L on workout days.
Currently the only areas I need to improve on, are during the weekend with drinking alcohol, I enjoy having beer and mixed drinks. My plans is to reduce the amount of times I am having them, and make better choices on which beverages I am drinking. This is something that will be easy to stick with for the next two years, as I have already been sticking with plans similar to this, for the past 2