While some diets may work at first, users almost always end up backsliding and gaining the weight they just lost. Often, people diet with the goal of losing weight, but in the long run, only a slight percentage manages to keep the pounds off, making diets ineffective. Not only is a different method needed, but also a different goal. Skinny does not equal healthy. This is a myth perpetuated by today’s media, just like the belief that if one tries hard enough to follow a strict diet, they will be skinnier and better off. In order for the health crisis of America to improve, society needs a change in thinking. Cycles of following the newest diet and then backsliding have to be replaced with a realistic plan to continuously eat well-balanced meals. Healthy needs to be the new …show more content…
The distinction between any diet and a fad diet is that fad diets tend to promise a dramatic and quick weight loss change (Freedman). In order to get quick results, these types of diets usually have to significantly lower calorie intake (Freedman). Often, those who end up pursuing such a diet end up hungry and unhappy. Constantly starving oneself is an awful way to live and this task will surely cause negative effects in other aspects of one’s life. How is someone supposed to concentrate on education or work when all they can think about is how hungry they are? Fad diets are nearly impossible to keep up with long-term and are definitely not a solution that will lead to weight regulation. Even if such restrictive plans offer results, they are very short-term until the person falls back into their old habits. Gianoulis shares how “Only about 10 percent of dieters lose anything close to their goals, and only about half of those keep the weight off for an extended period of time.” An overweight or obese person who starts fad dieting almost always will stay overweight. No one wants to undermine feelings of accomplishment at finally losing weight only to have it creep back. Often those who embark on a new diet do not eat the best foods and even less extreme diets can offer an eating plan very unlike what they are used to, making it hard to