Through clinical observations, Harding Middle School compose of a wide variety of ethnicities. The largest ethnicities present at the school include Latino and African-American students. The culture of the student population stands upon a care-free demeanor. This care-free demeanor can lead them into participating in acts that can have negative effects to their health. For example, students continue to attend school while having present signs of an illness. Students are reluctant to stay home due to influences of parents. The decision of attending school while ill can be a care-free act as students ignore their symptoms and realize how sick they are by the time they come to school.
Community Parents are a part of the community surrounding the school. …show more content…
No matter the situation, the community continues to support the education being provided by the school. Through the sociocultural determinant aspect, sponsors within the society provide support for the school. The positive support from community sponsors, assist the school to provide a safe environment for the students. The attitude towards the school consist of understanding the importance of education that is taught in the school setting. Support of education in the community allows for students to attend Central Campus to help further their education. Economics Government grants and community sponsors are an economic support for the school. The school is able to provide free breakfast during the morning to students; this helps the students that aren’t able to receive breakfast at home. Free breakfast can provide an economic relief to students and families. The student population of Harding, are from low income families. According the school nursing, Harding serves a large population of financially unstable students within Des Moines (personal communication, February 9, 2017). Due to low economic status, many students do not have health insurance. Without having health insurance, students may not visit a clinic or hospital to receiver proper treatment due to high costs that they aren’t able to afford. Policy & Politics As indicate by the school nurse, by the fall of 2017, student will be required by law to have the meningoccal vaccine before they attend school (personal communication, February 9, 2017). This policy implemented about the vaccine, is an initiative that can help protect the health of the student population. An important policy within the health services of the school, is about how to deal with illness and determining if a student is in need to return home. According to the school nurse, if a student has flu, diarrhea, or is vomiting, would make them qualified to return home. Safety The extent of violence at the school is prevalent. Some underlying factors that initiate violence, are led by arguments and aggression. Harding consists of a student population that have behavioral problems. Behaviors of