Social Media Effects On Youth Essay

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The Effect of Social Media on Youth Social media has had a huge impact on the world, especially our youth. There 's not a day that goes by without media cracking into their lives. Social media has created an environment for teens to keep in touch with friends and family and also stay up to date with the latest news and trends. Because of this, teens have the urge to stay connected constantly. Though this sounds harmless, the use of social media can also have its negative effects on youth. People are so dependent on their phones especially teens, as they provide quick access to information, entertainment, and communication with other humans. This type of technology is wonderful, and we want it to serve us but not be mastered by it. …show more content…
I truly believe that it is and every day the problem is increasing as new apps and ways to communicate socially. We need to consider what should be our plan for change. It must be an offensive plan that has to be developed so that there is genuine change in our lives. I think we have to identify our need for our phones and social media an addiction for most people. If when we first awake in the morning and have to check to see what everyone else is doing, I could refocus my thoughts and read something inspirational that would help me throughout the day. Additionally, a good exercise program would help a person emotionally and physically. When it comes to wanting to take a selfie, I could do what we use to do about 7-10 years ago, which is take a picture of someone or something else that could be treasured. It is a strong temptation to take a selfie and post it, but that could also be a part of the offensive plan. I think we all know that social media is a big part of our lives and living in this generation will not make it easy to stop participating on the sites like Facebook, twitter, and snapchat. No one wants to feel as though they are out of the loop, but somehow people have to stop the

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