Sna1 Unit 1 Assessment

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I chose to use the SENA1 assessment for my student, whom I will refer to as E, because he is in first grade. He is receiving extra help in math and is making great progress. He is also very young for his grade being as his birthday falls in August. E is very excited to work on homework with me, however, he is often looking to know if he right or wrong. Because of this, I recorded the assessment. This allowed me to go back and mark his assessment sheet rather than make marks and make him worried about his answers. I filled out the assessment after, allowing him to work more confidently. Confidence is another area his math teacher is working on with him. Prior to the assessment I read over the instructions and the rubric. I also gave the assessment to my son. He is 17 years old and enjoyed helping me to prepare. I then worked with E. He too was very excited to help me with my homework.
The assessment went smoothly.
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He rarely, if ever, was counting up from the larger number or any number. Even when he just counted out 4 chips, 3 times (#56) he still started at 1 when counting the total. After watching the video I noticed that a couple of the problems he was using his fingers to count up. Often times he would still start at 1 and count up but when he looked at the number of fingers he had up he knew them instantly. Example, when subtracted in #53 he put up 7 fingers and then put down two. He didn’t count 1, 2, 3…7, he just put up 7 fingers. Same with when he took away two. He didn’t count 1, 2. He didn’t recount what was left; he knew that he had 5 left. This was even more obvious when I watched the video. #44 he put 4 on one hand another 4 on his other hand. He only touched his second hands four fingers, so I’m guessing that he counted on from 4 on this problem. This leads me to believe that he is starting to count on with a

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