The assessment went smoothly. …show more content…
He rarely, if ever, was counting up from the larger number or any number. Even when he just counted out 4 chips, 3 times (#56) he still started at 1 when counting the total. After watching the video I noticed that a couple of the problems he was using his fingers to count up. Often times he would still start at 1 and count up but when he looked at the number of fingers he had up he knew them instantly. Example, when subtracted in #53 he put up 7 fingers and then put down two. He didn’t count 1, 2, 3…7, he just put up 7 fingers. Same with when he took away two. He didn’t count 1, 2. He didn’t recount what was left; he knew that he had 5 left. This was even more obvious when I watched the video. #44 he put 4 on one hand another 4 on his other hand. He only touched his second hands four fingers, so I’m guessing that he counted on from 4 on this problem. This leads me to believe that he is starting to count on with a