Christians asked Jonas to run to one side of the room and back. Jonas was happy to do this and did it with no problem at all. By the age of four children still enjoy running purely to show that they can do it (Santrock 2014, p. 135-136). This activity shows Jonas’s development in gross motor skills. He also would jump onto his chair when it was time to sit, which also shows this development. Piaget’s preoperational theory states that between the ages of two and seven children represent the world with words and drawings (Santrock 2014, p. 140). It was clear that Jonas was in this stage due to his ability to draw his house, family, and nature. He was even able to represent lightning with his drawings and sound effects. This shows that Jonas is in the symbolic stage in which two to four year olds mentally represent what is physically not present (Santrock 2014, p. 140). Dr. Christians asked Jonas to put together things that were the same. He did this in two different ways. First he had Jonas put the same color markers, highlighters, and pens that were the same together. Jonas organized these different utensils by their color. For example, putting two red pens together that did not look the same but had the same color. In this example it would seem that Jonas had centration which is “a centering of attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of all others” (Santrock 2014, p. 141). Jonas did not pay attention to what the pens looked like physically but only looked
Christians asked Jonas to run to one side of the room and back. Jonas was happy to do this and did it with no problem at all. By the age of four children still enjoy running purely to show that they can do it (Santrock 2014, p. 135-136). This activity shows Jonas’s development in gross motor skills. He also would jump onto his chair when it was time to sit, which also shows this development. Piaget’s preoperational theory states that between the ages of two and seven children represent the world with words and drawings (Santrock 2014, p. 140). It was clear that Jonas was in this stage due to his ability to draw his house, family, and nature. He was even able to represent lightning with his drawings and sound effects. This shows that Jonas is in the symbolic stage in which two to four year olds mentally represent what is physically not present (Santrock 2014, p. 140). Dr. Christians asked Jonas to put together things that were the same. He did this in two different ways. First he had Jonas put the same color markers, highlighters, and pens that were the same together. Jonas organized these different utensils by their color. For example, putting two red pens together that did not look the same but had the same color. In this example it would seem that Jonas had centration which is “a centering of attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of all others” (Santrock 2014, p. 141). Jonas did not pay attention to what the pens looked like physically but only looked