Sherry Turkle The Documented Life Analysis

Improved Essays
In a research article by Sherry Turkle titled, The Documented Life. She talks about how modern technology has caused us to put our lives on hold. Turkle states that people do not feel like themselves if they are not sharing their thoughts and views. The article states that technology has changed us by putting our interpersonal communications on pause. Turkle says we no longer see interruptions as a kind of disruption anymore. The most frequently heard phrase is, “wait, what?” as they fall back into missed conversions has become the new norm. Turkle also states that when people are alone or board they reach for a device. It becomes so natural that they forget there is a place and time not to use their gadgets. Turkle suggests that there …show more content…
People can now send instant messages and update statuses no matter where they might be. If you need to find someone all you have to do is go to their Facebook page and they will have posted where they are and what they are doing. I witnessed this decline in interpersonal communication over the summer. A friend of mine and his girlfriend had been together for six years. He went to her Facebook page and was going to post a picture of us in the hay field when he noticed that her relationship status had changed to single. He texted her to inquire what was going on and the message he received back simply stated, “it’s over.” and contained no reason or explanation. The extremely convenient social media networking has changed our very social connections and communications. The advancement of today’s technology has evolved our lives into a series of instant messages and status updates instead, of the traditional face to face meeting. Online social networking has had an adverse impact on interpersonal communication as our society has become compulsive with social media and their …show more content…
My wife and I were at Walmart riding round the parking lot trying to find a parking space. A man suddenly appeared out from between two parked cars looking down at his phone while texting. He walked right out into the road without looking and stepped in front of my approaching car. I had to stomp on the car brakes to avoid running into him. After all of that commotion, the man simply kept on walking and never once looked up from his phone. People have become so addicted to advanced innovation and their gadgets that it has become a potential safety issue for pedestrians. Maybe, someday in the near future congress will have to come up with legislation banning walking and social media. When did social media become so influential in our lives that we are willing to sacrifice our very safety by not adhering to the basic rules of safety, such as looking both ways before crossing any

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