Rhetorical Analysis Of An Article By Turkle

Improved Essays
Turkle begins her essay by talking about the state of society involving the use of technology in communicating with others. Turkle claims that the overuse of technology has led to society abandoning communication with others for a connection with each other. This issue is important as society is becoming more reliant on technology, which is changing how society interacts with individuals completely. Turkle continues to elaborate and what has changed because of this issue. Turkle conveys the fact that society needs to talk face to face again rather than relying on technology to connect with individuals. To communicate this argument, Turkle uses personal experience and broad statements to display the faults of connecting through technology. Turkle …show more content…
This is what Turkle is attempting to warn her readers about. Turkle’s main argument is that society needs to start conversation with each other without the use of technology. Overall, the argument Turkle asserts is effective due to her ability to provide relatable points, her background experience, and ability to appeal to readers emotions. To persuade her audience that her argument is valid and important, Turkle implements different strategies. Turkle introduces arguments in hopes to persuade the reader from a logical standpoint. Throughout the article, Turkle wants the reader to perceive her argument by her point of view, by applying many statements that she feels that the reader can relate to. In paragraph 2, Turkle begins her argument talking about how everywhere people go in society, there are always individuals who are using technology even in times when it is inappropriate. Turkle begins her article with this point because she knows that the readers have had a similar experience in the past. Turkle has another point on how young people use headphones all the time. Turkle mentions this as she is looking to persuade millennials in her …show more content…
Throughout the article, Turkle provides examples and statements that make the reader wonder how do we know if this is valid information. It makes us wonder whether Turkle is credible or if her information is. The reader learns about how Turkle is a psychologist and professor at M.I.T., and has published her own book. Turkle has 15 years of research experience, and works with millennials about this issue. This information adds essential information as it makes her argument and her more credible, which strengthens her argument as readers will be more convinced that her argument has

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