Seeing Eye To Body The Literal Objectification Of Women Analysis

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When reading “Seeing Eye to Body: The literal Objectification of Women” by Nathan A. Heflick, and Jamie L. Goldenberg. They were saying women and men being objectified. Women are being objectified more than men are but, women are being objectified daily while looking for a job while meeting people and many more instances. Women are being seen as objects and as tools to either attract customers or as advertisement. Men see the more revealing a woman is dressed the less educated she is. Women are now being fought for like we are some kind of object, men see us as trophies or as a prize in a game or race they are playing. Not only we are seen as objects, but women are now acting like objects, they self-objectify themselves. Women are being objectified on the daily basis as well as men, they conducted research experiments on both men and women ,being able to match face and body, and overall they both did better at matching women's bodies together than mens bodies. When women are looking for job, if the woman is dressed a bit revealing, people think she has more beauty than brain or in other word see her less educated. Many employers are focusing on what a woman is wearing instead of the education level she has received. Women are being seen as object ,now that they act like objects/tools. People's eye are now focusing on a woman’s body figure rather than a face. These simple and everyday ways of objectifying women are leading to them self-objectifying themselves and acting like objects since men see and treat them as one. Being a woman nowadays is very different from back in the days. One thing that is hard as being a woman is looking for jobs. Women now are being seen as objects or just for show. When applying for jobs some require some sort of physical appearance , although it does not say it during the application but when interviewing you are being judged for that. I applied twice to be a waiter at a popular but small restaurant called Mariscos Camaron Pelado while I thought i was going to be judged on my experience and knowledge I then realized I was getting the job based on my looks, I interviewed in a nice blouse and slacks. The waiters that work there have the “perfect” body most men desirred and dressed very revealing. I realized I was not going to get the job at that point which I did not. Later on that year I applied once again, but this time I dressed a little more revealing …show more content…
I have changed my mind in the way that not only are women being objectified we as women are also guilty of objectifying men. I do think as women we should know not to objectify men or other women, even though men are objectifying us ,we know being objectified is not the best feeling in the world. Women should not be seen as another woman's threat/competition or another woman as an object. Women are being discouraged by other women but do not realize between all this that there is not any competition and women should not compete like they are animal or prizes.But we our guilty on objectifying men as well. Overall people need to stop objectifying each other and start seeing people as for who they really

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