Research Paper Outline On Gender Inequality

Improved Essays
Introductory Paragraph
A. The actuality is that our society wants to gender inequality. Our history has shown that men want to be in control of everything. We place gender specific roles on male and female because our long history of men dominating can’t be easily replaced. In many countries around the world, including the United States of America, we question and raised concerns about a women’s place in male dominated world whether it’s a work place, at home or in public.
B. Women around the world face discrimination and inequality every day. Our past has shown that men think of women are inferior to them physically and mentally.
C. The cold hard truth is that gender gaps and inequalities continue to stay alive, even though our society is
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The inequality doesn’t stop at work, it carries on into our homes. Our society has created specific roles that we play at home. Every aspect of home life is dedicated by our gender roles.
B. Our history has made the women to become the care taker of the house hold. This the cultural norms and it widely accepted because our history has taught us that women “belong” inside house. “Housewives” are looked at as in the lower half of all groups in social status, below “blue collar workers.”
C. The role of a women inside the home is pretty much the same in every culture or country. Women are supposed to clean and cook, take care of children and perform any house work while the men do nothing but go to work and provide for the family. This way of thinking has been same since human gathered to form families and communities. It’s engrained into our thought process and chemical makeup.
D. Our roles in the house hold should be equal. The old notion that women are only “caretakers” of the house must change. We can’t let history define what a women’s role should be.

Third Body Paragraph (3rd supporting point)
A. Gender inequality remains a major barrier to human development and

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