Catharine Beecher Women's Roles

Superior Essays
After learning so much about the different women who have impacted the ever changing domestic habits of people in the United States, I have become interested in learning more about their personal opinions. That is why I have decided to invite three women with varying ideals to my home for a meal and some conversation. I plan to discuss their differing views of domestic duties and gender roles to gain a better understanding of how much times have changed, and I will also share my opinions with them. The first woman I will invite Catharine Beecher; she will offer good opinions that are regarding women’s duties. Catharine’s views will be the most traditional, and she will most likely disagree with everything that I have to say regarding women’s roles. Catharine was a firm believer in the Doctrine of Separate Spheres, so she felt as though a woman’s duty was to take care of the home (Sturges). The second woman that I will invite to dinner is Fannie Farmer. As a woman who took one of the first steps towards a modern view on domesticity, I would really like to ask her …show more content…
“Food is meant to be prepared precisely as cooking is a science. When cooking, it is important for women to follow specific measurements. This ensures that the dishes she is preparing will turn out well every time. Along with the proper preparation, a woman can use the food she makes to present her husband’s success. Cooking is simple when the directions are followed, so any woman can cook a French meal. French cuisine is elegant and shows class, so when a woman prepares a meal in this style for her friends and family it shows that her husband is financially stable, successful in his work, and that their entire family is quite

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