Gender Inequality Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

It is a fact that in the past a gap has existed in the financial earning abilities of both men and women. This disparity has been perpetuated through time as a symptom of the cultures that occupied their times. This discrimination of genders has and will be for some time to come, a hurdle to overcome. This hurdle can be tied to other issues such as race, religion, an individual’s appearance. The list can prove to be infinite. Other questions that tend to arise are; do women receive less pay due to the careers they choose, or do wages differ because women hold more part time positions in order to attend to caregiving responsibilities? These problems from our past have now become the issues of today’s word. While disparity can occur because due to shifts in personal priories; if both men and woman can achieve the same levels of education and produce an equal result they should receive the same level of income. This is because Given the proper training, both genders have the ability to
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(2015). The gender wage gap across the U.S. LifeHealthPro, Retrieved from

This reference establishes that in more recent years the gaps between wages and education of different genders has continually narrowed. The author provides data sets take from across the entirety of the United States (US). For example, “In Orlando Florida alone female students have seen a 79,6 increase in education” according to Miller (2015).

I intend to use this reference to establish that in more recent years our society has taken steps to fixes issues related to the gender wage gap that has plagued our culture. I will use the data provided to explain how it is being mitigated, if not completely solved for in some areas.

Stewart, P. A., & Moore, J. C. (1992). Wage Disparities and Performance Expectations. Social Psychology Quarterly, 55(1), 78–85. Retrieved from

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