From people like Marie Currie to Rosa Parks, women have shown more determination than men. This is specifically seen when Marie Ann is more willing to get blood on her hands than the men are. She voluntarily agrees to learn how to fight and how to handle a gun of all types, from short to long range, This not only shows that Mary Anne is eager to learn but she also displays her ability to look past judgements and rise above the occasion. Not only does she destroys society’s expectation of her, which according to the book is to be sweet, dumb and flirtatious, she also liberates the women and then gives forth a new high for the women population. The booke clearly demonstrates the women population. The book clearly demonstrates thewomen’s capapbilities to survive on their own with or without the men to look out and take care of then. In the book, Rat and his other teammates make it clear that adore Mary Anne for she brought with her a familiar sense of comfort and euphoria tp the men. She had given them an oppurtunity for peace and to relieve their innocence to a time before they dreaded the war. Therefore in this story women are put intp such high pedastals in a way which highlights their capabilities as an individual. Normally women are shown as the weaker link, portrayed as as the servants of those wh get home and are tired after a long day. In the paragraph, Mary Anne
From people like Marie Currie to Rosa Parks, women have shown more determination than men. This is specifically seen when Marie Ann is more willing to get blood on her hands than the men are. She voluntarily agrees to learn how to fight and how to handle a gun of all types, from short to long range, This not only shows that Mary Anne is eager to learn but she also displays her ability to look past judgements and rise above the occasion. Not only does she destroys society’s expectation of her, which according to the book is to be sweet, dumb and flirtatious, she also liberates the women and then gives forth a new high for the women population. The booke clearly demonstrates the women population. The book clearly demonstrates thewomen’s capapbilities to survive on their own with or without the men to look out and take care of then. In the book, Rat and his other teammates make it clear that adore Mary Anne for she brought with her a familiar sense of comfort and euphoria tp the men. She had given them an oppurtunity for peace and to relieve their innocence to a time before they dreaded the war. Therefore in this story women are put intp such high pedastals in a way which highlights their capabilities as an individual. Normally women are shown as the weaker link, portrayed as as the servants of those wh get home and are tired after a long day. In the paragraph, Mary Anne