In the story Montresor and Fortunato have problems with each other and Montresor has the upper hand even though Fortunato doesn't know he does. “I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation” (Poe 372). This quote is showing that Montresor obviously has a problem because he's acting like Fortunato is his friend even though he's thinking about his plan of killing him while he's smiling and shaking his hand. Montresor already has a plan of how to kill him so therefore, he has the upper
In the story Montresor and Fortunato have problems with each other and Montresor has the upper hand even though Fortunato doesn't know he does. “I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation” (Poe 372). This quote is showing that Montresor obviously has a problem because he's acting like Fortunato is his friend even though he's thinking about his plan of killing him while he's smiling and shaking his hand. Montresor already has a plan of how to kill him so therefore, he has the upper