Hannah montana once said “Nobody’s perfect.” People make mistakes and cause problems everyday, but that is what makes them human. James Hurst does a great job when he writes about a brother retelling the life of his younger brother in the book “The Scarlet Ibis.” Hurst creates a character
That is selfish, imperfect, and serious that the reader can relate to.
At the very beginning of the story the narrator is telling about doodle early life before he could walk. “When doodle was five years old, i was embarrassed at having a brother who at that age who couldn’t walk.”(hurst 466) Instead of showing compassion for his brother who is very ill he despises him for it. Another example is when doodle's Brother is selfish because he puts his pride brother doodle’s well being. This quote is at the beginning of the story when the narrator is beginning to reminisce the past of his brother. “Pride is a wonderful terrible thing a seed that bears two vines life and death.”(Hurst …show more content…
An example of this is when the author writes”I hadn't run too far before I became tired, and the flood of childish spite evanesced as well. I stopped and waited for Doodle.”(Hurst 475). He realize what he did was wrong and and went back for his brother. Another quote of the narrators imperfectness is when the author writes about his embarrassment of his brother at the middle of the story right before he teaches his brother how to walk. ”They did not know that I did it for myself; that pride, whose slave I was, spoke to me louder than all their voices, and that Doodle walked only because I was ashamed of having a crippled brother”(Hurst 470). The last example of the narrators imperfectness is when the author writes”He say very awkwardly, with his head thrown far back, making his vermilion neck appear unusually long and slim. His little legs, bent sharply at the knees, had never before seemed so fragile, so thin.” (Hurst 475). He never knew what he had till he