Written by James Hurst, the story takes place in the south during 1911. The narrator who is only given the name “Brother”, is introduced along with his disabled brother Doodle. Because of his disability, Doodle needs attentive care and is unable to walk. Doodle’s older brother is soon determined to see and help his little brother …show more content…
At the start of the short-story, from the quote, you can gather that the narrator doesn’t favor his little brother very much. In another he states, “ I purposely walked fast, and even though he kept up, his face turned red and his eyes became glazed” ( Hurst 350). This obviously shows misfair treatment the Narrator conducts toward Doodle and his disability because of his disliking and ignorance toward …show more content…
While one of the questions on the opposing side may be, if he didn’t love him why did he teach him how to walk? Why did he spend all of that time just to help him end up hurting him in the end? Previously stated, the only reason why he ever taught him how to walk was because he was ashamed to have a crippled brother. He was prideful his brother but only after he was able to walk.” We never spoke but I knew he was watching me, watching me for a sign of mercy” (Hurst 352). While he does show signs of little kindness such as going out with him in the woods and playing with him, he does admit to acts of cruelty. He states: “At times I was mean to Doodle” ( Hurst 346). The Narrator is fully aware of his actions toward Doodle but doesn’t stop. He wasn’t ignorant to the fact the he was hurting Doodle in the process of pushing him to walk. “The knowledge that Doodle’s and my plans had come to naught was bitter, and that streak of cruelty awakened” : ( Hurst 353). This quote is again one the turning points in the story, the Narrator confirms that his actions had done more harm than