Doodle was in fact, his only brother. And like all relationships, they had some really really good times to balance out the bad times. Like when Brother realized he “was licked” (345), or he was very lucky. They went on many adventures. Brother took doodle to his all time favorite place ever, and Doodle was so moved by its beauty that he started crying. Brother also taught Doodle how to walk. The first time …show more content…
The author explains, “Doodle and I spent lots of time thinking about the future,” (349) the text goes on and explains how they would build a house in the swamp, let Momma and Dad live there too if they wanted. If Brother wanted doodle to die, he wouldn't have spent all of his time and focus preparing a “terrific development plan for him” (349). Brother was really trying to help Doodle.
Shouldn't brother had been happy when his plan succeeded in killing Doodle? The text clearly states that he was devastated at the sight of Doodles death. When he saw how miserable doodle was, and “he began to weep” (354). “I lay there sheltering my fallen ibis from the rain” (354). He wanted to protect Doodle, like any big brother would. But he couldn't, so all he could do was morn.
Some may believe he is guilty, because in the text it states, “There was a long list of don'ts, which I ignored” (345). Of course he ignored him, he was just a kid! His parents never supervised him, or reminded him to be careful. Brother saw doodle as a normal brother. They were siblings, and messed around like siblings. Him ignoring this list of rules was just a way of showing that it wasn't his responsibility. He wasn't doodles parents, he was only 9 years