Doodle's 'Narrator In The Scarlet Ibis'

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The narrator in “the Scarlet Ibis”, also known as Doodle’s brother, has many traits that lead him to leaving his brother to die in the storm. The narrator only helps his brother to help himself, which makes him extremely selfish. When Doodle had learned to walk, the narrator explains how “Doodle walked only because [I] was ashamed of having a crippled brother.” He had taught Doodle to walk for himself “that pride, whose slave [I] was, spoke to [me] louder than all their voices.” He didn’t teach Doodle because he wanted to help him, he did this so that he would not have to be seen with his crippled brother. The narrator had done this so that he wouldn’t be different. Another way you can see the narrator is selfish is when he leaves his brother

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