Santonia Adoption Case Study

Decent Essays
Focus: Santonias and his family will learn and utilize healthy communication skills to move towards adoption or kinship placement. Ms. Smalls (MHP), Santonias, Ms. Givens (MHS) and, Stacia Griffin (DSS worker) discuss over all progress made on Individual Plan of Care (IPOC) goals.
Intervention: MHP reviewed each goal with Santonias, MHS and Mrs. Griffin. MHP request for insight of Santonias progress in the home and community. MHP modeled listen skills for Santonias during the meeting to practice. MHP redirected Santonias to allow the adults to express their perspective of progress. MHP encourage Santonias and MHS to practice the communication skills in hopes of decreasing conflict in the home.

Response: Mrs. Griffin explained Santonias

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