Ginsburg started off her career by clerking for U.S. District Judge Edmund L. Palmieri, which lead to her beginning her teaching life. From nineteen sixty three to nineteen eighty, where she taught at Rutgers University and Columbia. During her teaching at Columbia she did six cases for Women's Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union. One her most popular cases she fought for gender equality was the Social Security Act that was biased toward widows gaining certain benefits that a widower would not get. Her second major success was in nineteen ninety six the court was United States V. Virginia, where she held a landmark decision in making sure Virginia Military Institute would not refuse to admit women. Which would lead to the American Bar Association's Thurgood Marshall Award for her help in gender equality and civil rights. Another one of her great court cases was Ledbetter V. Goodyear although she lost had huge effects later in the future. The case had to do with Lilly Ledbetter, a manager at a Goodyear which sued the company for receiving less money then men in the same position. Although she lost Ginsburg dissenting opinions started making congress act, and two years later President Obama signed a legislation that reversed the ruling. Continuing her success made her socially popular especially in …show more content…
She first found out she was popular in social media when she explains "I think a law clerk told me about this Tumblr and also explained to me what Notorious RBG." There have been many song parodies and memes based on Ginsburg. Ginsburg takes it very joyfully and a laughing matter, she says her grandchildren love it. She stays in touch with her fans. Role model, icon, brilliant, under dog, all adjectives that could describe Ruth Bader Ginsburg. From her academic success through discrimination and sexism. Pass the struggles she moves on to make s huge impact on our society with her effects on court of law and cases. To even keeping up with the times and becoming popular in social media, she has done it