Mitigating crimes can be both an effective tool in gun control, as well as a desired outcome. A study conducted by Bartley and Cohen states that implementation of right-to-carry laws cause a decrease in violent crimes, while increasing the rate of nonviolent crimes. The increase of the latter is attributed to a criminal’s risk-reward evaluation. (Bartley and Cohen, 1998). With this evaluation in mind, it is easy to see that a criminal is less likely to commit violent crimes due to the uncertainty of encountering a victim who may be armed. This deterrent factor has the potential to exponentially increase the rate of gun ownership, resulting in even lower violent crime rates. The benefits to society of increased gun ownership makes the application of constitutional carry, or right-to-carry, legislation a viable tool for reducing the rate of violent crimes by removing dependence on law enforcement to intervene in violent crime …show more content…
Education, when implemented early and often, leads to more responsible gun use. Education in firearm operation and safety, given progressively throughout an individual’s life, is a necessary step in reducing accidental injury and promoting safe handling practices. Improper storage and handling are the leading causes in accidental injury, specifically in children. Professors at North Dakota State University found that over a five year period, more than 150 children under the age of 14 were killed in accidental gun discharges (Himle, Miltenberger, 2004). This brings attention to the need for increased firearms training, beginning at an early age. Hunter’s safety education is a prodigious tool in the training of proper storage, handling, and use of firearms. It is also a requirement in most states for hunters under the age of 18. Implementation of required classes for handgun ownership would operate under a similar premise. Properly educated adults would inevitably lead to safer gun ownership practices, making the firearm safer for the operator, as well as children. The final step in education is an initial, and ongoing, need for training individuals who wish to carry a concealed handgun. All states with conceal carry laws already require initial training, or military experience. This training, on safely possessing a