The purpose of the ad is to appeal to the audience and it uses rhetorical appeals such as ethos, pathos and logos. It’s convincing people to give money to help this fundraising charity who uses sports to better improve the life of kids all around the world. The ad uses ethos by having credibility created by the Laureus sports for good foundation, if it was a random ad by a person it wouldn’t be credible because this person hasn’t gone out their way to help children all over the world. It uses pathos by having the children inside the sport balls as I said before. The kids look sad and in need of help, that really touches your heart because no one wants to see sad children or children struggling. I mean that could be your own children and the ad does great job of really touching people’s hearts. It also uses logos to appeal to peoples logical reasoning, people are aware sports are home to a lot of people. So when they see the ad saying something like, sports give new life, they understand that kids feel at home on the field like I was explaining before and by donating they can help these kids have a home
The purpose of the ad is to appeal to the audience and it uses rhetorical appeals such as ethos, pathos and logos. It’s convincing people to give money to help this fundraising charity who uses sports to better improve the life of kids all around the world. The ad uses ethos by having credibility created by the Laureus sports for good foundation, if it was a random ad by a person it wouldn’t be credible because this person hasn’t gone out their way to help children all over the world. It uses pathos by having the children inside the sport balls as I said before. The kids look sad and in need of help, that really touches your heart because no one wants to see sad children or children struggling. I mean that could be your own children and the ad does great job of really touching people’s hearts. It also uses logos to appeal to peoples logical reasoning, people are aware sports are home to a lot of people. So when they see the ad saying something like, sports give new life, they understand that kids feel at home on the field like I was explaining before and by donating they can help these kids have a home