Reflective Essay In Lispalot Elementary

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This semester for my field experience, I was placed in a third grade classroom under a speech pathologist in Lispalot Elementary in the Oklahoma City public school district. The following instructional strategy essay will be based on a third grade class, with speech disorders, who are unable to accomplish kindergarten standards and objectives in phonics. We plan on using technology and games to work with students on their specific speech disorder.

The classroom has a total of four students, which isn’t too big to help each child individually. There are three male students, and one female student. Three of the students are from two-parent households, while one student lives with a single-parent. I found that 50% of the students have lisps, and the remaining 50% have /w/ for /r/ problems. The entire class has problems with /s/ blends or consonant clusters. The four students sit in a half circle table facing the front of the room where the SMARTboard is located. This helps students stay engaged, and also helps them better interact with one another. There are a total of two board games in the classroom which are shared among the children. They are able to play various educational speech games on Friday’s if everyone participated with good behavior the previous week days. My instructional strategy will focus on the correct production of the primary or most common sounds for each consonant, short and long vowel sounds (e.g., c = /k/, c = /s/, s= /s/, s = /z/, x = /ks/, wr=/r/) through transformative learning with interactive activities and technological amenities. Day one (30 minutes): The first instructional strategy will require using the digital recorder, boombox and CDs, and parents to help the children differentiate between correct and incorrect phoneme sounds (2,5,3,7). Students with speech impediments have a difficult time hearing their errors. This method will allow me to record my voice saying a word, and also record the student saying the same word. The playback will allow children a model of
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To show true learning or to even grasps a better concept, students will be asked to teach another student the correct way to produce a phoneme and/or phoneme blend. Children will break into groups of two for 10 minutes minutes. One will teach for 5 minutes and the other will teach for the final 5. The students will then switch partners and repeat the process. In the last 10 minutes, the students will each have about 2-3 minutes to teach me how to produce the phoneme(s).
Day four (30 minutes): My final instructional strategy will involve the use of board games, classroom space and rewards to deviate away from paperwork and drills (1,6,3,4). Drills, drawing, and other repetitive work can become monotonous. To keep the students engaged and interested, we will use games and movement. An example would be of the board game “Wordy Race”. Each student will have a player piece on a board. Each child will take turns reading words off of cards. If the child says all words correctly, they will roll dice and move their piece. First one to the finish line will win (if the game gets that far). If the child stays engaged, gives effort, and follows instructions; they will receive a reward at the end of class. This instructional strategy is used as a treat and an earned privilege for the students--not a

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