1. Trust. We people trust you the communication goes faster because nobody is questioning your decisions.
2. Action. It is important for leaders keep their word. If they say that they are going to do something, they have to do it.
3. Perspective. Leaders have to have a clear idea of the plan to reach the objectives. They have also to incorporate the team ideas on their plans or a least get the best of them.
4. Focus. Leader have to focus on the plan objectives. It is necessary follow up and measurement until the objectives are reached. 5. Vision. How to outline leadership is erected upon defining what the vision is and how it influences your staff, your customers, the market, etc. (Miller, 2016) Leadership is very important for organizations because their leaders roll influences on how the persons feel about the organization, and consequently, on their productivity. At this point, leaders have to guide the individuals and groups in a particular style to obtain the goals set for a specific entity or organization (Articles, 2015). I know from my working experience that the leadership is not in all the individuals, leadership comes with one’s personality. I have been through many managers, but just a few were good leaders. Leaders shouldn’t take everything seriously. It is understandable that the continuation of the company processes has to persist to be successful, but it doesn’t mean that the work environment cannot be fun. By giving the employees a nice place to work and have fun with what they do is a must for the leadership. (Economy, 2016). Definition of management Management is the process of planning, organizing and controlling resources assisted by science and art to achieve a set of goals. Therefore, management is not defined …show more content…
I’ve understood from the very beginning that I have to have my subordinates on my side, as my friends if possible. At that point I use my instincts, I have studied administration, but I didn’t see that the teachers from that era (40 years ago) try to stress the leadership as I’ve been seen it during the last decades. At this point in life, I recognize that I can use some of the leadership models or definitions but still some of my decisions will be made base on instinct. A good example is when we are dealing with individuals. If I need to fill out an important position in the organization, I can use all the best recruitment methods but at the end it is going to be my instincts that would indicate if that person is the correct one. It may not be the one with the best education or with the most experience.
Differences between management and leadership.
Managers are the ones that give orders. They define the actions to be taken, create rules, outline the procedures to follow. In general managing is about how to do business. Leaders inspire a group of people to achieve common objectives. Leaders communicate the direction of an entity. Help the people stay bounded together even in the tough times (Robbins, 2002).
Management and leadership are essential features for business managers. They are necessary to make the business a productive. Leadership will add the guidance, and management will bring the systems necessary