Reflection Of ENG 111: Writing And Inquiry

Improved Essays
This semester in ENG 111: Writing & Inquiry, I was honestly excited by how much new information I discovered to aid in my writing ability. When reflecting upon the semester, I was happy to see how just how much I actually learned and also how much I have developed my writing skills. My writing, analytical thinking, and critical reading skills have advanced vastly throughout this semester, as I have learned a lot of new and invaluable skills to add to my mental stash of information to draw upon when it comes to the subject of English. It has been a long an interesting semester on a lot of levels, with more than a few obstacles making completing this class seem impossible; however, when you are dedicated and committed to excellence, anything …show more content…
The units of classification proved to actually be helpful to me when beginning my first major assignment this semester, Essay #1: the Classification Essay. I found that when you were classifying things, whether that be types of cars, types of music, Types of students, Or holidays it was important to break your larger subjects down into a smaller more manageable category. In order for me to successfully do that I needed to identify specific and distinctive characteristics of each Group and then I found that it was further beneficial for me to break each category down even further and I specific identifying factors for each unit within that group. Because by the Merriam-Webster’s definition, classification is the action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics and I was able to do exactly just that using the steps described …show more content…
Through learning about causal analysis, I’ve come to understand that basically you need to discover the root cause of why something happens and that actually can be quite distant from the original effect you’re discussing. I learned to develop a clear purpose when seeking to produce the causal analysis and what that meant to me it was that I needed to understand exactly what was being analyzed and its causes and effects of that event. I also learned of that there can be many main points when writing a cause and effect essay but for me I felt it was more helpful to keep my topic limited to three or four cause or effect supporting paragraphs, Simply so that I may stay more greatly focused on my objective. I had a lot of fun with this essay because I got to explore writing style that I had not really yet delve into in my educational career, and for me the challenge is always the biggest part of the

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