The Green Chair Art Analysis

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I attended to an art exhibition on Monday, October 13th, 2014 at The Schumacher Gallery. While visiting the gallery, I came across Alice Schille’s artwork named “The Green Chair”. Alice Schille an impressionist was born in Columbus in 1869. She was considered to be "one of America 's primary women watercolorist". Schille attended to the Columbus Art School (now known as the Columbus College of Art & Design) in 1887. Her work was influenced by progressive art movements. In her paintings she portrayed still-lives, landscapes and gardens, mothers and children, market and harbor scenes. Schille died in 1955 and is buried in Green Lawn Cemetery. In 1992, she was inducted into the Ohio Women 's Hall of Fame. Alice Schille’s “The Green Chair” located at the Schumacher gallery is a watercolor painting. Watercolor painting is an art form that creates artistic illustrations, usually on paper, using pigments that are water-soluble, can also use oil soluble paints or dry pigment in sticks such as pastels. This piece of art was painted in California, 1917. In this piece we can see a girl wearing a white dress and hat. She is seated on a green/blue chair looking at the spectator. Also, there is a young woman wearing a pink dress, she is seated on the ground, looking down at something white she holds in her hands. They are set against a red/orange background. Allice Schiller creates a work of art directly influenced by everyday’s life. …show more content…
In her painting The Green Chair, Schille predominately utilizes organic shapes. The dominant subject, or figure of this composition is the little girl staring at ‘you’. In the background, lies what it seems to be a very bright orange wall. The girl sitting on the ground and the chair, lack detail in comparison to the little girl. The little girl’s outfit, accessories, and most importantly her eyes are more defined. The other girl lacks facial features, is hard to see the object she is holding. The colors used by Schille artwork are mostly comprised of most of the full spectrum of colors. The color scheme used in this painting comes close to be a tetradic color scheme as it includes both warm and cool colors. In this painting, there is not a balance between unity and variety. The components such as the little girl, and the pacifier belong to one another. Variety is not really present in this artwork; the only variety that I can observe is the difference in age and actions of each girl. Schille creates asymmetrical balance in her art, the right side and left side are not the same. On the left, there is not much activity going on, the background occupies the majority of the space. On the right side, there is more movement, the older girl “playing”, and the girl …show more content…
In my opinion, the little girl represents innocence. Her eyes are clear, and staring straight at you (the viewer). I feel that the artist specifically did that to demonstrate that, innocence is present in each one of us. It’s a way for the artist to remind us that we haven’t lost our innocence, we only forgot about its existence. The green chair represents stability in life, if we have balance in our life, everything else will follow. The older girl on the ground represents a “guardian”. This guardian, protects the innocence of the little girl, but yet it does not interferes with the girl

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