Reconstruction After The Civil War Essay

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Reconstruction was a time where there aren't any equal rights, protection that ensures safety, a time of violence, the Ku-Klux-Klan, corrupt government and one of the toughest times of history. A few years after the Civil War, blacks were free and the States were divided. The North were radical Republicans who wanted to continue with Reconstruction and South who were the Democrats, but wanted to end Reconstruction. The South was ready to rebuild itself after the war and the Northern Federal troops withdrew. Reconstruction was a period of time where Americans were trying to gain citizenship, and the destruction of the war was being rebuilt. The 18th President of the United State was Ulysses S.Grant who is a general of the Union army and who led victory over the Confederate. The Union soldiers were part of the Northern states and the Southern were part of the confederacy. In 1867 was the start of Reconstruction but there still was millions of free blacks who were fighting for their rights as a citizen of the United States. Reconstruction eroded the “black code” laws and the South remained dedicated in maintaining control of free Blacks. In 1876, the war ended and President, Hayes was elected into the presidency, and the south was ready to rebuild. In the first twelve years After Civil War is a period known as Reconstruction. The Union soldiers were part of the Northern states and the Southern were part of the confederacy.Reconstruction failed because of Southern resistance and Northern Neglect. The Ku Klux klan (KKK) were very prominent adversaries in the dream of reconstruction. …show more content…
The KKK is known as a supremacist cult who violently commits acts of terror to anyone who supported Reconstruction. Being a group of elite members who spend their time publicly killing republicans, they were rarely held accountable. In the letter written by Abram Colby, a former slave who was elected to Georgia state legislator, the nature of the violence of the KKK and the South is illustrated. “ it is my mournful duty to inform you that our friend John W.Stephens, state senator from Caswell, is dead. he was foully murdered by ku-klux in the Grand jury room of the Court House on Saturday “( Document A) and “ On the 29th of October 1869,[ the Klansmen] broke my door open, took me out of bed, took to the woods and whipped me for dead …. They said I had voted to grant and carried the Negroes against them” (Document.B) . The ku Klux Klan, having the mindset that any individual with any political power who did not see eye to eye, was punished by death. The Ku Klux Klan managed to slowly kill all radicals, decreasing the chances of public Reconstruction. Southerners have continuously shown resistance with violence and terrorism for Reconstruction to fail. In another instance, it is documented that another Republican was murdered by the KKK. In the letter on the Ku Klux Klan Activities,“ He was foully murdered by Ku-Klux …. Another brave, honest Republican citizen has met his fate at the hands of these fiends (Doc.A).” In the testimony to a joint House and Senate Committee in 1872 by Abram Colby, he recalls the brutality he experienced, “ Whipped me a thousand licks more….Some are first-class men in our town….They offered me $5,000 to go with them and said they would pay me $2,500 in cash if I would let another man go to the legislature(Doc.B)”, due to Southern Terrorism such as murdering Government officials who supported Reconstruction, and imprisoning for supporting it, as well as intimidating black voters out of fear that the Northerners will take over and restructure their society. Neglect is another factor that potentially ended Reconstruction. President Grant who lost his focus on continuing Reconstruction efforts Because he was consumed by accusations of corruption. Furthermore, President Grant was busy with his scandals which distracted him to focus on Reconstruction and that causes a lot of problems with his administration. In the source of “the Americans” states , “weary of the’ Negro Question and ‘sick of carpet-bag government many Northern voters shifted their attention to such nation concerns as the panic of 1878 and corruption in Grant’s administration .. Although Political violence continued in the south .. the tide of

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