Sharecropping was very bad even after the slave’s became free. The ex-slave’s still had to do unfair labor practices in the violent, intimidating atmosphere and ex-slave’s felt compelled to work for their former masters. The bad white men would kill any black people they saw because they are mad that the black people are free. One of the masters said to an ex- slave that, “The colored men could never protect themselves among the white people.”(PBS) When the ex-slave’s did things for white people like, cutting the oats, they weren’t allowed to have or keep any of them. (Doc. I, J) Black people weren’t allowed to go within the limits of the town of Opelousas without special permission from their employers/masters. If they break the law they either go to jail and work for two days on the public streets or pay a five dollar fine. They couldn’t even rent or keep a house in the town. Neither …show more content…
The white people told the colored men that they should call every white man a master and every white lady and missus. When Henry was headed for the city four white men beat him with a stick because they asked who he belonged to and he said nobody. He saw over twelve colored men and women beat, shot, and hung between there and shreveport. Henry’s boss took a stick and beat one of the young colored girls, who was only about 15 years old. The next day his master whipped the same girl nearly to death. After that all the young colored girls decided to leave that place for shreveport but white men came out and shot at them and took Henry’s horse. They said that any colored people that try to leave their masters they will be killed.(Doc.