Ancient and Medieval History
What was Romanization and how did it happen? When the Roman empire began to expand and conquer new lands, it need a strong tool in order to keep people of invaded territories under control, like Romanization. This process contained cultural and architectural changes with the help of military in the life style of those people. In order to keep hundreds of nations under control only military power wouldn't be enough, and because of these Romans used more powerful tool- romanization. This process was itself nothing else, but mutation of conqured nations. Romanization was a brainwashing process where at the end nations forget their past …show more content…
In order to keep pace with new system conqured nations had to change their life-style and began to dress like roman, speak Latin, also acquired some other features of roman society. Dressing and speaking like roman became some kind of fashion and identification of social status in society. By studying Latin people became to be able to read and understand roman culture more clearly, which further led to integration into roman society. Chiefs of the tribes who first fought the romans, now began to send their children to roman cities to learn Latin and so on. "They became eager to speak Latin effectively and the toga was everywhere to be seen"(Dr N.Faulkner), so when those children who were sent to roman cities to returned their home and became new leaders of their tribes, they began spreading roman way of life, which led to romanization of those …show more content…
The roman legions that captured new lands mostly had to stay there, as these lands were becoming the new frontiers of the empire. So when romans built camps they need to integrate with locals, get good, clothes, military equipment and many other stuff from them. By this way locals could integrate with roman soldiers and learn about the roman culture and way of life. After a few years roman army camps became the trade centers and local people were eager to trade there. Gradually local people settled near the roman camps and were founded new settlements. In this new settlements locals had to speak Latin in order to be able to communicate with roman soldiers. Gradually local people studied Latin, married to roman soldiers and eventually became romans. As these settlements grew and became the main trade and cultural centers many others wanted to come, trade and live there. So the process which began with military occupation and little camps, eventually ended up with romanization of the whole