High quality Career and Technical Education programs are based on preparing the individual to meet the needs of the industry and workforce. These programs ensure high skills and training and also provide on the job learning experience. The individual is ready to join the workforce when as soon as he or she fininishes the degree or as ealy as they complete the State certification requirements. Students that graduate from these high quality programs are positioned to continue studying and advance in their careers and training and can potentially become furure leaders on their field. There are only a few high quality CTE programs that prepare the student with high employability skills to obtain an inmediate job. New …show more content…
- provide an explanation of what the ultrasound is showing. - display the ultrasound images so the pregnant woman can see them and explain the images, show cardiac activity, show body part on the fetus and dimensions. The ultrasound before abortion bill has been made law in 23 states. This controversial legislation has been on the public eye for the past few months. In Pennsylvania for example former governor, Tom Wolf, suggested this law should be easy to follow, the pregnant woman would just have to close her eyes while the ultrasound happens, creating an avalanche of critics and opposition for this statement. This bill is so controversial that is has cause the House of representatives to cancel any other legislation that has anything to do with abortion law, like the legislation that prohibits an abortion after 20 weeks. Another case is the state of Virginia, where republicans introduced a mandatory bill of ultrasound before abortion and it was sponsored by former attorney general, Ken Cuccinelli, who lost his race for governor due to this legislation that was considered "state-sponsored rape" by many of his