Handgun carry has been permitted in all 50 states since 2013. There are many pros to handgun carry by civilians but there is also many cons, But so far they have proven to be a good form of defense by good law abiding citizens. A other pro of handgun carry is that it has lowered all crime rate by 5.3% and has proven to help prevent public shootings. We are also allowed to carry guns due to the second amendment that states that we have the right to bear arms. Somes cons though is that it can make non public citizens feel unsafe and can increase the chance of a simple situation turns lethal, But so far they have proven to be helpful in our society. …show more content…
Our teachers will only be allowed to be armed if they are up for it and go through a series of test and pass each one with flying colors. The would be tested mentally and physically and get training each year. “ Armed “Educators and trusted people who work within our schools love our students and will protect them.” President Donald Trump stated and agrees with this option. Arming our teachers will have a positive effect and will be a good defense system for our students