Teachers that are willing to carry and have been selected to carry should get extensive training. They have to get hands on training, “They all must undergo an initial 46 hours of training, including live fire training,”(NY post Associated press December 15, 2016). They will also need a little training on First Aid, so if a kid was to get hit or hurt in the incident the teacher knows what to do until first response arrives. Only the teachers that feels comfortable and safe should be allowed to carry and should have to go through yearly training. Teachers should get yearly training in order to keep carrying for the next school year so we know that they are one prepared and two in the right state of mind to carry. “...[Y]early training and undergo a psychological examination,”(NY Post Associated Press December 15, 2016). It’s very important to know they, the teachers, are safe to carry. It’s a really big responsibility for teachers to carry a gun and have to protect their students. Teachers also need to be on top of their training. They need to always be prepared for any situation and at any second. If they are to get the yearly training they can always learn more along with better ways to protect their children. If there teacher was able to carry and have to yearly training their children might feel more safe than they already do in school. What are teachers doing to make sure that their students feel safe? Lots of teachers have put their lives on the line in order to protect their students. It’s their jobs to make sure that their students are safe and feel safe. But should they have to sacrifice themselves to protect their students? With all of the recent school shooting students have actually stopped …show more content…
They say that because the teachers aren't properly trained and that's not their job, that thats a job for the police. Yes that is correct, yet in cases like that every second it takes for a cop to get to the school is a valuable second. Every second time is wasted could be one life lost. Mark McPherson “...[R]etired Army officer said that he didn’t think it would be enough to help them respond effectively to an active shooter,”(NY Post Associated Press December 15, 2016). “He worries what would happen if they fired and missed in class.” They will be going through all types of training and live fire training. Some cops believe that it would be a good idea for teachers to carry. In Siebold’s (2013) article he questioned Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. about teachers carrying and he said “Simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best