What Are The Pros And Cons Of Child Beauty Pageants

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Children beauty pageants have been a big issue for a while. There are some people who will fight to keep beauty pageants. They think it’s good for the young girls and will help them later on in life. There are those who think it’s wrong to showcase children as if they were dolls. For me, I feel like there should be some kind of middle ground to settle in.
Every year there are about 5,000 shows and 250,000 children that participate in those shows. Those participants are all between the ages of 2 and 18. ("Child Beauty Pageant Statistics") The children show off their talents, formal wear, bathing suits, and a few other things. Most everyone in the beauty pageant community have great things to say about the contests.
With so many contestants
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The mother of Ashley Berry, a ten year old girl, stated that her daughter “was one of the most well poised, outspoken young lady you will meet,” ("Toddlers and Tears: A positive look at child beauty pageants"). People say that competing is a great way to overcome shyness (Maliakal "Child Beauty Pageants - Pros and Cons"). If you can overcome your shyness when you’re younger then it will be easier to do things later on in life. Also they say it’s a good way to gain confidence, (Maliakal "Child Beauty Pageants - Pros and Cons") another great thing you will need. Being confident and being outspoken is something nearly every employer is looking for, also they are good traits to have while still in …show more content…
In a video that I watched there were girls that didn’t want to get their hair done, or their eyebrows waxed because one time the wax was too hot and tore off some skin. The parents bribed the children and openly admitted they would hold them down just to make them look the way they think they should look ("Toddlers and Tiaras: Televised Abuse and Unethical Parenting"). Dr. Mike Bishop, the executive director of Wellspring Camps said that toddlers are not old enough to make an informed decision as to whether they should compete ("Toddlers and Tiaras: Televised Abuse and Unethical Parenting"). The parents basically make all the decisions. It’s almost as if they are living through their children. Another thing I saw in the video there was a mother that was throwing a fit because her daughter didn’t win the place she wanted her to win. Another mother kept yelling at her daughter to step it up ("Toddlers and Tiaras: Televised Abuse and Unethical Parenting"). The young girls deserve to be able to make their own decisions.
Both sides have very good points on beauty pageants. In my opinion we shouldn’t get rid of beauty pageants just yet. There are so many children that enjoy doing them, they enjoy getting dressed up and it’s not always about winning to them. However it should be regulated. First of all a new age limit should be set. At the age of thirteen children can make decisions that are more informed than two year olds

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