A statement that stuck with me, “The Pageant contestant epitomize the roles we are all forced to play as women” (Collins 193). This statement Collins makes is absolutely true. I remember as a little girl watching the pageant and wonder if I would ever look like them. I was a athlete would never stepped foot in a dress. I questioned if I should be wearing dresses, and if people would like me more if I did. I aware the Miss America pageant is trying to become less sexist today, but it still has a decent amount of blatant sexism surrounding it. Another issues that is still a problem today is the image of feminists. “In 1927 a Harper’s Essay said the very word “feminist” suggested people ‘who wore flat heels and had very little famine charm’”(Collins 202). I think this image people portray of feminists is still present today. When I told some of my extended family that I attended the Women's March they asked if I shaved my armpits. People try to group feminists in this category of crazy, unkept men haters. It disheartening to hear people say this, that this is still a huge problem
A statement that stuck with me, “The Pageant contestant epitomize the roles we are all forced to play as women” (Collins 193). This statement Collins makes is absolutely true. I remember as a little girl watching the pageant and wonder if I would ever look like them. I was a athlete would never stepped foot in a dress. I questioned if I should be wearing dresses, and if people would like me more if I did. I aware the Miss America pageant is trying to become less sexist today, but it still has a decent amount of blatant sexism surrounding it. Another issues that is still a problem today is the image of feminists. “In 1927 a Harper’s Essay said the very word “feminist” suggested people ‘who wore flat heels and had very little famine charm’”(Collins 202). I think this image people portray of feminists is still present today. When I told some of my extended family that I attended the Women's March they asked if I shaved my armpits. People try to group feminists in this category of crazy, unkept men haters. It disheartening to hear people say this, that this is still a huge problem