Ambiguity Of Capital Punishment Analysis

Superior Essays
Ambiguity of Capital Punishment

Punishment has always and continues to be a corrective plan of action for violations that range from a minor assault to murder. In the case of capital punishment – a process of sentencing convicted offenders to death for the most serious crimes (capital crimes)(, punishment for such crimes can range from lengthy prison time to death penalty sentencing.
The citing below will delve into the justification or lack thereof on how this kind of punishment is administered through the justice systems in states that carry out death penalties.
Lewis E Laws gives a personal account of his over 20 years of experience and observations of murderers in questioning the consistency of the law as it relates to the morphing
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Capital punishment is death penalty, and as such cannot meet the test of revocability. Yost does believe that imprisonment is revocable but not absolutely revocable. He does stress the distinction that the irrevocability argument is not flawed by the abolishment argument against punishment since any type of punishment even when a person is vindicated or their conviction vacated, cannot be returned to their pristine …show more content…
In most states, the imposition of the death penalty on certain; mostly murderous crimes is established in the perceptions of the cost of such crimes to the victims’ families and the social cost to the society. There even appears to be an economic inclination saliently factored into the justice of capital punishment by comparing the value of imprisonment cost as opposed to the cost of incarceration. There appears to be an automatic or reflexive behavior for a retributive justice towards violent crimes involving murder of a loved one. Even the most ardent opponents to the death penalty as in my case, I succumb to the default psychological judgment of wanting justice at all cost. The problem for me arises when there is not an absolute evidence of facts that links an accused person to such crimes, and even if there was one, the facts in this case can be subjective. Even a 0.0001 error in findings is enough to dissuade me from supporting capital punishment as the death penalty. In the current discourse or public debate as it relates to the death penalty in the United States, lethal injection used to execute a condemned person only serves to smooth-over the horrors of death penalty in the minds of the public; eventually muting the debate about the practice itself. Capital punishment like the

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