Abolishing Death Penalty

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Abolishing the Death Penalty has been an enormous argument in our society. The main question that everyone debates about all throughout the world, is whether the penalty should be abolished or not. To me honestly, of course the Death Penalty should be banned from all states. I do not support it by any means, mainly because it goes against my religious beliefs. It’s not only cruel, but it also violates our human rights and is more expensive than people may think. Taxpayers spend so much money on the Death penalty than they realize. Execution is such a degrading and an extremely inhuman way to take someone’s life. Racial and economic status, plays a big role in deciding the inmate sentencing. Furthermore, researcher, Shetty, S. (2014) have conducted that prosecutors would sentence a black person with the Death Penalty, if the victim is white. Many people may think that the Death Penalty expenses is higher than the actual cost of life sentencing the inmate. The society should make progress into making the justice system more efficient to protect innocent people in certain cases involved with the Death Penalty. The penalty also goes against the ten commandments, “Thou shall not kill.” The commandments should stand for its own, certainly for our law system. It’s sort of in a way contradicting what our law system is built upon. If the people who supports the Death Penalty, really understood what was actually happening, instead of seeing it out of rage, they would see that it is a very unhuman thing to do. Being placed on Death Row, the inmates have to await 12 years as the trial is tried 3 times. It’s not only spending more of the taxpayer’s money, it is also making it even harder on the inmates to have to wait those years, knowing what could possible happen. Many supporters argue that abolishing the penalty may be a progressive way to stop murders in the future. Murder isn’t the only crime that prosecutors sentence inmates the execution way of dying, some other crimes also get the capital punishment. Sentencing the inmates to the Death Penalty doesn’t take back the committed crime that was made, especially if it was a murder. The end result after the sentence, means taking more than one life, in such a disgraceful way. People that disagree with abolishing the Death Penalty, state that having the penalty helps keeps the murderers and crime committers off the street. Indeed, that’s very accurate, but taking another human life is not the way. There are other harsh punishments that could take place, rather than an execution. …show more content…
We as a free society should spend more money bettering our community rather than on someone that’s more than likely is going to get executed. This society accepts such a cruel penalty, which allows the killing of another human to be seek. Since the penalty is legalized, we as a state is now listed under the same category as other states, that we judge for being so unhuman like and cruel. A study by Abdul-Jabarr, k (2015) states that states that are in the U.S. that doesn’t have the Death Penalty, have a lower homicide and murder rate than the others. Another huge issue that prosecutors have to live with is, what if it was a wrongful conviction? Prosecutors may sentence a wrongful convicted inmate to the Death Penalty, and time later may seek to evidence that proves that the inmate was innocent. So another innocent person dies, instead of having a life sentence until further notice with the case. Equality doesn’t stand a chance with our supposed to be justice system. The system is really sort of a shady business, and rules that we have to follow. Some argue against the fact of abolishing the Death Penalty, states that if the people know that there is a chance they would be placed on Death Row, less crimes would be the result. I disagree with that statement, simply because the murder/homicide rate is still growing rapidly. Life sentencing could be replaced for the death penalty; the inmates have to sit in the prison for the rest of their life. Nicolau, I (2014) claims that the harsh penalty makes our society truly believe that killing other humans is allowed. The three different methods that is used in the U.S. for

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