During this time doctors and nurses treated the patient’s symptoms, if the patient had a skin rash the skin would be cleansed, rubbing and scrapping to get the rash off. If a person severely injured a limb, the limb would be amputated. I compare this time to how EMTs work, they treat the physical symptoms physically, anything to save the life of a person. The EMTs take the person to the hospital, and it is there where they receive more thorough and holistic …show more content…
I attempt to be “with” my patient, listening to everything they have to say and approaching the encounter as if it is only one that matters. I try to make each visit into the room, the most important and as if nothing else exists. My professional presence is most relatable to Era II in that I believe that illness can be caused or worsened by a person’s mindset. The use of alternative therapies can be beneficial to the patient and I try to incorporate them in my care. I least like Era I because it does not address the whole person; a person’s attitude can drastically improve or worsen their illness and should be incorporated into their care. The use of physical treatment as in Era I other issues that may be causing or contributing to the illness of the patient. In my daily practice I attempt to approach each patient with an open mind, listening to their concerns and addressing each one using physical as well as, alternative methods. I partner with my patients, in their beliefs and values, to bring about the best care for