Yessica is 17 year old female from Honduras. Minor was admitted to Leake and Watts in our Basic Shelter Program on 07/31/2017. Minor was able to adjust well to the program. In the short time in the program Yessica has been able to actively/positively participate in all activities in and out of the cottage. Minor follows and understands program’s guidelines and regulations explained during orientation and weekly sessions with Clinician and Case manager.…
The MAPS mission is to challenge and support students as they make the transition to college. It was created to increase the retention of minority students by providing them with professional, cultural, scholarship, and academic opportunities. MAPS students get the opportunity to get a head start on college. Students spend six weeks getting to know other students, faculty, the Kansas State University campus and their majors. The program offers up to six credit hours, which consists of chemistry or math, kinesiology, university experience, and participate in a college lab.…
Being at the Phoenix Center today made me see how people’s attitude can affect a person. Patient’s in detox centers such as Phoenix have set schedules to abide by as part of their treatment plan. It is nesseccary for them to attend to these private and group meeting to help them stay on track. Many of them see these meeting as pointless and stupid but they are very beneficial to their progress. These patients are also grogy and tired as they are coming off of drugs and alcohol, and the medications they take also make them tired as well.…
Nurses use evidence informed practise which is the method of gathering evidence and incorporating clinical expertise, patient preference, expert opinion and other resources (Canadian Nurses Association, 2010). In addition, nurses will use Carper's ways of knowing as describe above and will bring their practical knowledge brought in from clinical experience. This clinical experience is a valuable asset as they understand the environment and can incorporate it into their own experience of practise. Lastly, praxis is the "practice, as distinguished from theory; application or use, as of knowledge or skills" (Myers, 2009, p. 1497) During this project, I have been able to use my knowledge acquired throughout the nursing program and apply it…
This week I started my primary care practicum at the Healthworks of Northern Virginia in Leesburg, Virginia. I went twice for my practicum. On my first day, as soon as I arrived at the Healthworks of Northern Virginia, my preceptor gave a tour of the site and oriented me to the charting system. We discussed regarding my goals for the next couple of weeks and expectation from the preceptor. Since it was my first day, I mainly did observation.…
The researchers provided a detailed description of human subject considerations that included protection of participants. Approval by the Institutional Review Board was obtained for this study. The researchers ensured confidentiality by not naming the universities or the participants and also specified that informed consent was obtained. They provided details as to what information each participant received about the study and specified that each survey was numbered, and that each participant used that number to sign the consent form. The researchers also noted special concern regarding emotional and personal safety of all participants.…
Unit 9 seminar was the one of most helpful seminars. Over the course of 9 weeks a lot of information was covered making it difficult at times to keep up and completing grasp the information. The professor explained everything that was required and went over examples for each question. My symptoms of a mild myocardial infarction subsided once I listened to seminar and started working on the problems. Most of the information that was covered started to come back.…
The setting of my 2nd focus child was a Little Bucs in the preschool room (Inventors) in the classroom, but we did visit the ETSU library during my first observation. They are 48 months-60 months. I observed a 48 month old, male. I will refer to the student I observed as "P." I observed from 10:00-11:30 both sessions. The classroom was reasonably big, but the floor was opened with toys and an upstairs area where the students can go and hang up there.…
If a quantitative solution needs to be prepared, there are a series of steps that must be followed in order to get accurate answers. there are several objects needed to prepare it, including a 500 ml graduated cylinder, deionized water, and sodium phosphate dodecahydrate as the aqueous solution. The first step is to find the mass of the solution, sodium phosphate. In the formula, sodium's atomic mass is multiplied by 3 because there is the original weight times 3 atoms of sodium in the formula. using this method, calculate the rest of the mass.…
At the beginning of each day, as a student educational assistant (EA), I walk around and make sure that every student has their kanga pouch out of their bags. The teacher and I asked the students to do their daily routine such as taking out their kanga pouch, wearing their indoor shoes, and checking their names on the smart board for attendance. After doing their daily routine, the teacher starts the day with some calendar lessons. Student EA’s were asked to prepare the centers or activity. Each center has different types of activity.…
1. When I started in college, I was unsure of what degree I wanted to get. One thing I know for sure is that I wanted to be in the medical field. I was choosing between ultrasound, radiology, nuclear med, and nursing. I tried thinking what are my possible chances of getting a job and chances of success in each place. I chose nursing which is a degree with a growing demand and greater opportunities.…
Upon arrival, I was greeted by the key holder, Pearl Stewart. We spoke briefly in regards to participants’ performance. She stated that the participant has been doing a good job and completes the maximum hour’s per-week. The week three timesheet was completed and free from any errors. At the time of my visit, the participant was not present at the work site.…
Practicum Reflection During my education courses I had learned many different concepts, teaching strategies, and covered numerous topics involving the process of teaching. For the first time I was able to put everything I had learned into practice. My practicum was one of the best learning experiences I have experienced as a student. I learn the best when I am doing something hands on, so for me to actually be able to teach and take over the classes I was able to learn a lot.…
Reflection When signing up to take the Final Project Course this fall I was extremely nervous and not excited to start. Walking into the first day of class and learning more about what the final project would entail, I did feel slightly better but still scared that it was going to be too overwhelming and hard to complete by myself. Luckily, the individual meetings and emails with my professor made everything much more clear and inviting. These final project meetings were very helpful in terms of receiving constructive criticism and then going back home to make changes to the paper.…
Visiting St. Paul’s Parish Princeton For this field observation project, I chose to attend the 5pm Sunday service at St. Paul’s Parish in Princeton. Growing up in the Pentecostal tradition, I have become at home in free worship and contemporary liturgy. Most of the church’s…