Power In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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The premise of conflicting perspectives arises from the subjectivity of composers in representing events, personalities, and situations; in combination with responders’ reception of meaning. As such, methods of representation, such as textual form, are deliberately manipulated in order to deeply establish authorial perspective and purpose. Aldous Huxley’s subversive novel, Brave New World centres around individual and shared political perspectives and reflects a dichotomy of perspectives in which an innate bias is interwoven into Huxley’s personal interpretation of modernity. These interpretive representations assume a manipulation of language, content, and construction to emphasise the transcending influence of power in its ability to shelter and expose surrounding perceptions of political truths in and through texts. In a similar way, Dennis Liu’s Plurality (2012) is a satirical comment on modern day advancements in technology and its interrelation with political systems and governing bodies. As context informs representation, the study of Brave New World and Plurality convey, through each authors individual human experience, a unifying aspect which, despite perennial evolution, will have preserved its most fundamental tenants and convention, that is: humanity’s fascination with the subjective concept of happiness and its interrelation with the personal and universal notion of security. Huxley’s Brave New World is a representation of the way he perceived his context; his discussion emphases the morality of life and existence, which translated into the socially segregated society and politically controlled population of the text. In this world, Huxley forms a system of organisation in which power plays a transcending influence on the greater society. “He quoted the planetary motto. ‘Community, Identity, Stability.’” The diction of Community, Identity, Stability, combined with the use of asyndeton, highlights the eradication of diversity among human lives. Alternatively, the industrial concept of mass production precedes; humans are divided into one of five major castes, conditioned under strict standards to ensure social stability and equilibrium. “I’m so glad I’m a Beta.” This truncated sentence demonstrates individual identification to a predestined role of life, achieved through a misled perception of stability. This one statement embodies a representation of the greater society, depicting their conforming nature and social acceptance of what they perceive to be a utopian society. Huxley has created a world in which the domination of technology and lack of sexual constraint has led to the establishment of what the society of AF 632 would consider an idealised utopian society. However, to readers, the principle of utopia is subverted in the texts through language in the disclosure of truths. “They’re decanted as freemartins – structurally quite normal, but sterile” The amplification in this statement allows Huxley to embellish the sentence …show more content…
Liu conveys a satirised representation of this issue through the Benthem Grid; described as a “technological marvel”, the grid takes anything unique you and links it to your DNA. This system, although first developed for convenience, has led to the eradication of personal privacy. “But eventually, after just six months, the state legislature passed an unprecedented bill, giving law enforcement complete access to the grids data.” The diction of ‘eventually’, ‘just’ and ‘unprecedented’ emphasises the inevitability of the situation and thus, becomes an allegory of impending concepts. “Happily sacrifice a little bit of privacy for that kind of personal safety.” The emphasis on ‘little’ demonstrates and ironical representation of the societies acceptance of a totalitarian concept at the prospect of safety and

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