Crackdown On Concussions

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On October 22, 1939, the Philadelphia Eagles met with the Brooklyn Dodgers to play one another in the great game of American football (Allen). This game marked the start of something so big that nobody could have possibly predicted it. This game was the first football game to have ever been televised live. Just how many people across the United States tuned in to watch the very first televised football game that day? The number itself is quite depressing actually. Fewer than 500 people watched that football game on television that day. While this may not seem like a major event in American history, it was just enough to spark the beginning of the National Football League 's unquestionable supremacy, as America 's sport of choice today. Last …show more content…
Some people think that it 's not the crackdown on celebrations that needs to be changed, but the crackdown on concussions. Recent experiments have concluded just how dangerous football really is. The NFL has put in place several new rules in order to help protect the safety of the League 's many players (Hudson). Some people think that it 's because of these rules that many people have stopped watching the NFL. They think that people only watch for the big hits. While it may have caused some people to stop watching, it is not a very big problem because if you were to tune into an NFL game right now, you would still see many big hits that some of the fans have come to love. The only difference is the way that they hit people it’s not as if they have eliminated big hits all together. Their argument is like saying people only watch NASCAR for the crashes, but if they were to invent a car that crashes slightly less would people stop watching altogether? The answer is an obvious no. The same would go for the NFL. Not only would changing the safety rules make a very small difference in ratings, but it would also be extremely difficult to get both people and players on board. All across the United States people are suing because of football related concussions. Parents are already pulling their kids out of football for fear of their child receiving a brain …show more content…
If you 're just an average Joe, then there 's probably not much you can do by yourself. However, if you can convince other people that more celebrations is the solution to the the NFL’s problem, then it could create a ripple effect until someone with some actual power catches wind of it. Once someone with some power or a large fan base is convinced, then they could help ignite the fire needed to get this pushed past the NFL using tools such as social media. The decrease in the NFL’s popularity is a problem and it can be fixed. The only way to fix it, however, is to actually take action instead of just pretending like it will go away on its own, because it won

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