To know whether or not John Affleck is making valid points it’s important to know the history and background of how the concussion crisis in the NFL came about. Concussions have …show more content…
Concussion was a movie released last year that stars Will Smith and is about the concussion crisis in the NFL. Will Smith is portraying Dr. Bennet Omalu in the movie. Omalu is the doctor responsible for finding CTE in multiple deceased football players brains and bringing it to the NFL’s attention. Affleck points out that despite the movie being great many more people turned out to watch the football game than the movie. This is an example of America’s attitude towards the subject. People are willing to put it on the back burner for their love of watching the game. As Affleck said it is going to be very hard to persuade people about the dangers of the game. People are not taking the concussion crisis as serious as the negative effects of smoking and drinking. People are looking at it in a different