Police Brutality Speech

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Does it have to come to the death of you or a family member before society realizes that Police Misconduct must be exterminated? People think police misconduct is okay until they experience it. I am here today to convince you that Police Brutality has gone way too far and needs to be stopped immediately. Today I will cover how the cost of police brutality has risen since 2010. I will also cover police brutality going unreported and hidden from the public. Lastly, I will cover what we need to do to stop this unnecessary violence. The use of extreme violence is a criminal act and has gone out of control; we need to expunge the bad in order to have a safer environment for citizens. Police Misconduct refers to the inappropriate or illegal actions …show more content…
The major con of police brutality is that many police officers get away with it and people don’t report it due to them being afraid of the police. “In 1982, the federal government funded a “Police Services Study” in which over 12,000 randomly selected citizens were interviewed in three metropolitan areas. The study found that 13 percent of those surveyed had been victims of police brutality the previous year. Yet only 30 percent of those who acknowledged such brutality filed formal complaints.” If people would have reported these incidents, the government would have taken action in punishing these police officers and trying to prevent things like this from happening …show more content…
Because the government is using our money to settle these cases. What the people need to do is stand up to police brutality. We need to start protesting against police stations and on government sites. We need to record the police making mistakes and then expose their actions worldwide. We need to vote out politicians who overlook police brutality. We must not be afraid to take action against these nefarious behaviors. We must stand together to stop the mistreatment by these corrupt cops, who think they are above everyone else, because they hold a

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